Jagiellonian University in Kraków / Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie


Rector’s Proxy for Student Safety and Security
- Undertaking actions aimed at combating violence and discrimination against students and employees of JU; 
- Promoting information and knowledge about discrimination and prevention thereof, in the form of printed and online materials concerning discrimination;
- Co-organizing conferences and events aimed at anti-discrimination education.
Legal basis: Ordinance no. 37 of 31 March 2011 on appointing the Rector’s Proxy for Student Safety and Security and on determining the scope of the Proxy’s activity (valid until 31 August 2016); after August 2016 –superseded by Ordinance no.79 of 13 September 2016 on appointing the Rector’s Proxy for Student Safety and Security and on determining the scope of the Proxy’s activity for the years 2016-2020.
Source: https://safe-student.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/start

Department for Security, Safety and Equal Treatment – Safe UJ
The department was established on 1 January 2020. 
- Diagnosing the level of safety and equal treatment; 
- Taking preventive steps aimed at: 
· conducting educational, information, and promotional activities to ensure personal safety and equal treatment of members of the JU community, 
· promoting safe conduct and methods of avoiding risks or coping with them, 
· issuing opinions regarding the safety of events applied for at the JU and activities organized by the JU; 
- Coordinating national and international cooperation in the scope of safety and equal treatment;
- Cooperation with the organizational units of the JU in the scope of developing procedures and guidelines on how to proceed concerning: 
· the risk of (petty) offences being committed on JU premises, including issuing of opinions on procedures and guidelines developed by other organizational units of the JU, 
· reacting to incidents construed as cases of discrimination against members of the JU community, 
· implementing the principle of equal treatment in projects financed from external sources, 
· carrying out practical checks of the organization and implementation of a mandatory evacuation of the Jagiellonian University facilities; 
- Taking steps in connection with members of the JU community reporting violations of personal safety and principles of equal treatment; supporting victims – above all by providing information about obtaining access to specialized help quickly and effectively. 
Legal basis: Ordinance no. 114 of 31 December 2019; https://bezpieczny-student.uj.edu.pl/dzial

Dean’s Proxy for Gender Equality at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science
The proxy’s task is to ensure that the faculty and its units (institutes) implement the action programme for equal opportunities and support institutional solutions aiming at the implementation of this principle. The proxy cooperates with the GENERA Network (of which JU is a member since August 2018).


Gender Equality Plan
GEP was implemented at the Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Applied Computer Science of JU (departmental level). 

Work-Life balance
Flexible working arrangements: 
-Flexible working arrangements for academic staff (Staff Regulations, §12). 

Social support:
- Social benefits for employees and members of their families: co-funding of winter and summer holidays for employees and their children, social allowance to partly cover fees at childcare facilities (see: http://www.ds.uj.edu.pl/swiadczenia) and social allowance offered for child delivery (see: http://www.ds.uj.edu.pl/swiadczenia/zapomogi).

Childcare support: 
- Fee-based University Kindergarten (see: http://www.przedszkolejci.pl/) and nursery (see: http://zaczus.pl/); 
- Buildings and spaces adapted to the needs of parents – elevators, ramps for baby strollers, breastfeeding rooms, changing places for infants and small children, playgrounds for children, along with information on where to find them: https://studiuje.uj.edu.pl/student-rodzic).

Career progression
Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policies: equal pay for equal work (Labour Code, Art. 183c. § 1).
Flexible career trajectory scheme: mentoring programmes during BA, MA, and Ph.D. studies as well as an individual educational path for students who hold parental responsibilities (see: https://studiuje.uj.edu.pl/student-rodzic/tok-studiow).

Integration of gender into research and teaching and Gender Studies / Programme
 Gender courses are offered at different departments.

Mobbing, Sexual harassment
“Anti-mobbing Procedure” was implemented in 2014. The anti-discrimination policy is being prepared by the Department for Security, Safety, and Equal Treatment - Safe JU. Cases of sexual harassment are addressed on the grounds of the Act on Higher Education and Science from 2018 (disciplinary spokesperson/ prosecutor and disciplinary panel).

The annual campaign “16 days against gender-based violence” and events/seminars concerning discrimination and violence were organized by the office of Rector’s Proxy for Student Safety and Security.
Training courses:
- Training on anti-discrimination for academic teachers (voluntary) and Ph.D. students (voluntary); 
- Training for managers (heads of departments) from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science organized in 2019;                
- Moodle (online) modules as part of mandatory Health and Safety courses for students, Ph.D. students, and staff available in Polish and English. Modules are also available at: https://bezpieczny-student.uj.edu.pl/bhk (public access - for students and Ph.D. students) and https://bezpieczny-student.uj.edu.pl/bhp (only for JU staff).
Informational materials:
At the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, and at the Institute of Sociology – efforts aimed at gender balance in promotional events are being undertaken.



Utilization of HR Excellence in Research to enhance gender equality
- Adopting a new set of Employment Regulations which includes Paragraph 6: “The employer’s duties include, in particular, preventing discrimination in employment, in particular on the grounds of sex (…)” (16 September 2019
Source: https://bip.uj.edu.pl/documents/1384597/143315552/zarz_67_2019.pdf/64fb9...);
- Identification of gender equality issues (e.g. gender balance and discrimination) in a JU internal survey described in “The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at the Jagiellonian Univesity”.
Source: https://en.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/staff/hrexcellence