Gender Advisor to the Rector of KhNUIA
- Overseeing the application of and adherence to KhNUIA non-discrimination and equality principles.
- Advocating equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
- Developing international research projects on gender issues;
- Building positive international experiences in the field of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
- Managing other cases of inequality, for example, access of girls or students with physical disabilities to education in KhNUIA.
Managers of all levels at KhNUIA
- Ensuring the implementation of regulations on the observance of equal rights and opportunities for women and men;
- Preventing and taking actions against gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment.
Gender Equality Plan
There is no Gender Equality Plan. However, the mission and development strategy of KhNUIA for 2020-2024 includes developing the university for systematic adherence to the gender-sensitive approach and plans of implementation of gender equality and non-discrimination.
Decisionmaking and leadership
- To promote equal representation in decision making at KhNUIA, a gender audit was provided by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, with the support of the Consultative Mission of the European Union.
Work-Life Balance
Childcare support
- Trade union of KhNUIA provide for employees who have children: fixed support on childbirth; Christmas presents for children; support on exigent or death of a member of the family (including a child).
Integration of gender into research and teaching and Gender Studies / Programme
- The Center for Gender Culture is a unit of the University, which was established to provide informational, educational, and practical assistance to teachers and students in other educational and educational institutions to implement gender approaches in education by strengthening the gender component.
- By the decision of the Scientific Council № 9 of 24.11.2020 KhNUIA approved for use in the educational process "Guidelines for the integration of gender approaches in the system of training of security and defence sector of Ukraine."
- Bachelor programme in prevention of domestic violence
Mobbing, Sexual Harassment
- The Scientific Council of the KhNUAI approved and put into effect the rector's order of 27.12.2019 № 875 Policy to prevent and combat harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and abuse of power at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The Policy approved the tasks and personnel of the Commission for the Prevention and Combating of Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Abuse of Power at the University, as well as the procedure for filing and reviewing complaints.