Rector’s Proxy for the Prevention of Mobbing and Discrimination
- Enforcing the policy for the prevention of mobbing and discrimination at the University of Gdańsk;
- Carrying out mediation in cases of suspected mobbing or discrimination, with the aim of preventing similar cases in the future;
- Submitting a formal request to the Rector to appoint a Commission if mediation has failed or if there is a likelihood that mobbing or discrimination may have occurred.
Legal basis: Annex to Rector’s ordinance no. 104/R/17
Explanatory Commission
The commission is appointed on an ad hoc basis by the Rector for each identified case of discrimination or mobbing.
- Policy for prevention of mobbing and discrimination at the University of Gdańsk;
- Examining complaints of mobbing or discrimination, in particular by conducting inquiries with each side of the conflict; receiving witnesses testimony; thorough examination and explanation of the circumstances of each case; evidence analysis.
Legal basis: Annex to Rector’s ordinance no. 104/R/17.
Commission for Social Responsibility of the University of Gdansk
The Commission's tasks include:
- social engagement of science and scientists,
- education of the society and gender equality (equality of women and men in scientific careers and gender equality in the context of scientific research undertaken).Source:
Council for the Implementation of the Plan for Equal Treatment of Women and Men
Source: Order No. 118/R/21 of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk dated 17 August 2021 on the establishment of the Gender Equality Plan Implementing Board / GEP Implementing Board (GEPIB) at the University of Gdańsk
Work-Life Balance
Flexible working arrangements:
- Flexible hours according to individual arrangements.
Childcare support:
- University kindergarten.
Career progression
Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policies:
- Equal treatment in employment (Staff Regulations, §6);
- Prevention of every form of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment (Staff Regulations, §6);
- Obligation of the employer to provide written information about equal treatment in employment (Staff Regulations, §6);
- Broad definition and meaning of equal treatment in employment (Staff Regulations, §37);
- Broad definition and meaning of discrimination in employment (Staff Regulations, § 38);
- Broad definition and meaning of mobbing in employment (Staff Regulations, § 39).
Source: Rector’s resolution no. 98/R/17 for implementation of changes in the Staff Rules at the University of Gdańsk – 2 October 2017
Integration of gender into research and teaching and Gender Studies / Programme
Gender courses for students, PhD students and researchers at the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology (IFB) of the University of Gdańsk and Medical University.
Mobbing, Sexual Harassment
Anti-mobbing policy and anti-harassment policy: the principle of mutual respect and kindness (ban on mobbing and harassment) (Rector’s Ordinance no. 63/R/09 for appointment Code of Ethics employees of University of Gdańsk, 17.12.2009, §5).
Anti-harassment policy: broad definition and meaning of sexual harassment in employment (Staff Regulations, § 39a).
Source: Rector’s resolution no. 98/R/17 for implementation of changes in the Staff Rules at the University of Gdańsk – 2 October 2017
Anty-mobbing and non-discrimination policy; appointment of the Rector’s Proxy for prevention of mobbing and discrimination (Rector’s Ordinance no. 104/R/17 concerning the mobbing and discrimination prevention policy at the University of Gdańsk, 24 October 2017.
Annual Conference – Woman in Culture. Conferences as outcomes of international projects related to gender.
Award renewal.
Utilization of HR Excellence in Research to enhance gender equality
- Training on diversity and gender balance.
- Issuing a recommendation to include a statement in the human resources policy regarding participation of women in decision-making bodies;
- Monitoring of HR Excellence requirements related to research.