University of Warsaw / Uniwersytet Warszawski


Academic Ombudsman
- Promoting high ethical standards and innovative methods of conflict resolution in the academic environment;
- Providing assistance in the resolution of conflicts and reducing their negative effects (the ordinance also mentions presenting information about juridical rules of the University, promoting mediation and alternative methods of conflict solving (by e.g. workshops or conferences);
- Supporting individuals and organizational units in resolving problems arising in connection with the operation of the University;
- Gathering and disseminating information regarding University regulations and general rules of operation;
- Identifying sources of problems that hinder the proper functioning of the University;
- Briefing and advising the Rector with regard to necessary changes aimed at improving the operation of the University.
The Academic Ombudsman deals with problems of interpersonal relations and conflicts, employee concerns (including mobbing and discrimination), student concerns (e.g. mistreatment), violations of academic regulations or rules (e.g. sexual harassment, discriminatory treatment), abuse of academic honesty.

Rector’s Committee for Preventing Discrimination
- Prevention of discrimination on any legally protected grounds and respecting the principle of equal treatment on the premises of the University;
- Monitoring of the situation regarding equal treatment, especially with regard to gender, age, race, religion, disability or sexual orientation;
- Preparation of proposals and requests for the Rector concerning issues related to discrimination or unequal treatment;
- Providing informed help or advice for people experiencing discrimination or unequal treatment on any grounds at the University;
- Initiating investigations and requesting disciplinary action against people committing discrimination;
- Organizing anti-discrimination awareness campaigns.

Equal opportunity chief specialist
- Engaging in anti-discrimination, equal treatment and diversity policies at the University;
- Undertaking actions to fully respect and implement the principle of equal treatment;
- Preventing discrimination on any grounds;
- Promotion and dissemination of equal treatment issues, anti-discrimination standards and implementation of equality solutions.

Specialist in equality education classes
- Organising training and courses on equality and human rights for UW students;
- Cooperation with the training department of the Employee Services Office;
- Collaborating with companies that provide services to the University.
Source: Response to a request for public information dated 31.08.2021

Equality Proxies in organizational units
Each organizational unit (department or institute) may appoint a proxy for equality, who is the first contact and consultation point for dissemination of good practices, taking care of equal atmosphere in the unit, counteracting discrimination, sexual harassment, mobbing, hate speech. 
On 20.08.2021, 9 Plenipotentiaries have been appointed in 7 departments.
            Response to a request for public information dated 31.08.2021

Anti-Mobbing Committee and Anti-Mobbing Coordinator
- Conducting investigations and issuing opinions on allegations of anti-bullying and its consequences;
- Collecting data on mobbing and good practices related to counteracting mobbing;
- Undertake anti mobbing initiatives, including dissemination of knowledge.
Source: Response to a request for public information dated 31.08.2021


Gender Equality Plan 
"Gender equality plan for the University of Warsaw and equality action plan for 2020-2023".
The Gender Equality Plan for the University of Warsaw presents a diagnosis based on the conducted survey "Equality at the University of Warsaw", an element of which was the collection of found data on e.g. gender balance in the authorities.

Work-Life Balance
Flexible working arrangements:
- Flexibility in designing teaching and research schedule for academic staff as a work-life balance measure;
Possible reduction of mandatory teaching load in situations listed in the Law on Higher Education and in the UW Statute.

Childcare support:
- University nursery (Uniwersyteckie Maluchy) for children of employees and PhD students at the University
- Kindergarten Smyki ze Smyczkowej for children of workers of University of Warsaw.
- Kindergarten on the UW Ochota campus and child care facilities on the UW Downtown campus

Career progression
Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity policies:
- Counteracting discrimination in employment, in particular on the grounds of sex, developing and implementing anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination procedures (Staff Regulations, § 6);
- Providing information on anti-discrimination regulations required by the national law on equal treatment of women and men and the Labour Code (Staff Regulations, Annex 2);
- Discrimination of co-workers shall be regarded as dereliction of duty (Staff Regulations, §24.1.10).
- Mentoring program for young female scientists - a two-year program based on the recruitment of female scientists, in which they will be supervised by selected mentors, they will receive support in planning their scientific careers - start planned for autumn 2021;
- Networking program for female PhD students in the form of cyclical meetings - to be launched in autumn 2021.
Source: Response to a request for public information dated 31.08.2021

Integration of gender into research and teaching and Gender Studies / Programme
Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw - a possibility to choose the gender path for second degree students in the field of cultural anthropology and sociology
Center for Research on Women and Gender - established at the WSNSiR UW

Mobbing, Sexual Harassment
- Implementing anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination procedures (Staff Regulations, § 6).
- Anti-discrimination Procedure at UW; It defines the rules against discrimination, including sexual harassment as well as the procedure to be followed in case of discrimination at the University
- University of Warsaw Handbook on Combating Sexual Harassment at the University
This handbook contains rules and procedures in force at the University of Warsaw, as well as recommendations and guidelines for preventing and responding to cases of sexual harassment.
- Optional training for disciplinary spokespersons and members of disciplinary committees
Title of the training: How to deal with people who have experienced sexual violence
- Training for representatives of student councils on anti-discrimination and sexual harassment
Source: Response to a request for public information dated 31.08.2021

- Website: – an equality university website that provides information on discrimination (e.g. definition, types, procedures, how to get help/support), equality and anti-discrimination research carried out at the University, as well as information about current events dedicated to equality and diversity.
Equality training and workshops for researchers, academic and administrative staff.
- Workshops fostering equality mindset in academic teaching at the University of Warsaw
They are organised by the Training Department and offered to those working in teaching.
- Workshops supporting equality among male and female employees of the Warsaw University.
They are organised by the training department, offered to persons working in administration and service.
- Workshops on equality, anti-discrimination and mobbing for managers
- Workshops developing equality mindset among UW students in the curriculum of all-university classes
- Course Understanding Equality, an e-learning course on the equal treatment and anti-discrimination, dedicated to all students and employees of the University
- Information materials for the first-year students and information meetings
Source: Response to a request for public information dated 31.08.2021
- Recommendations for non-discriminatory language at UW
The recommendations were written by university linguists at the request of the Chancellor's Committee on Non-Discrimination.


Implementation/award renewal

Utilization of HR Excellence in Research to enhance gender equality
- Analysis of gender gaps at the University of Warsaw: a collection of statistical data, questionnaire interviews, in-depth interviews;
- Development of Gender Equality Plans (by September 2019)
- Organizing two types of training on gender mainstreaming for faculty managers, administrative staff and students: training workshops for people involved in the prevention of discrimination and harassment at UW, and other people interested in the subject; mandatory onboarding for new employees (same as H&S) concerning discrimination and harassment and ways to counteract them/reporting them to the authorities at the University of Warsaw, along with the applicable laws; 
- Preparing two types of publications on gender mainstreaming (updated annually) for employees and students: a guide for staff and students on discrimination and harassment; Collection of good practices in the field of equality and diversity published on the UW website and also available in printed form.
- Appointment of the Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination Coordinator responsible for planned research, creation of Gender Equality Plans, education and monitoring of gender issues.