Academic Ethics Commissions
Each faculty has its own Academic Ethics Commission. The Central Academic Ethics Commission (treated as a second instance) investigates interfaculty cases and cases involving severe violations of the Code of Ethics.
Vice-Rector for Organization and Community Development
Department for Community Development
Equal Opportunity Coordinator
- Ensuring equal opportunity treatment for all members of the community (both staff and students);
- Coordination and control of equal opportunity assurance and implementation at various divisions of the University;
- Representing community members who have experienced discrimination;
- Monitoring the needs of community members with disabilities; inclusion planning; coordinating related activities at University divisions;
- Creating and supervising an awareness and competence program for University staff and students in the sphere of equal opportunity.
Gender Equality Plan
GEP planned:
SPEAR programme (Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research) carried out with a focus on supporting the implementation of gender equality plans (GEPs) at European universities.
Work-Life Balance
Flexible working arrangements:
- Flexible working arrangements are available for academic and non-academic staff, though used mostly by academic staff.
Childcare support:
- Childcare rooms at University premises.
Decision-making and leadership
Promoting equal representation in decision-making: requirement to present both female and male applicants during University Council elections; requirement to ensure equal gender representation when forming commissions that carry out expert evaluations of applicants for academic positions and staff reappointments.
Career progression
Equal pay measure: first calculation of gender pay gap in 2019.
Integration of gender into research and teaching and Gender Studies / Programme
Gender Studies Centre
Courses “Gender studies”, “Equal opportunity and anti-discrimination” and others.
Conferences, seminars, public lectures.
Gender studies group at KnF VU
Mobbing, Sexual Harassment
Anti-harassment policy: a website in the Student Services subcategory, concerning sexual harassment with information on how to contact a representative charged with receiving and processing reports (in a confidential manner) about cases of sexual harassment, along with information about psychological consultations.
Training on sexual harassment for staff and students
Victims can apply to the Dept. for Community Development.
Public lectures for staff, administration and students.
Utilization of HR Excellence in Research to enhance gender equality
Vilnius University Diversity and Equal Opportunities Strategy 2020-2025 and Strategy Implementation Plan 2020-2023 (gender equality is one of the main priorities in these documents).