Gender equality in Higher Education and Research policy is given a growing attention as the data confirms persisting gender inequalities in science. Also, researchers themselves demand more engagement on the level of organizations for assuring equal treatment of all employees. At the same time institutional commitment to assuring gender equality becomes a prerequisite for prestigious awards, like HR Excellence in Research, and an eligibility criterion for Horizon Europe grants. Moreover, the new European Research Area Communication underlines both the need to continue efforts to address gender gaps, and to address the intersectionality and diversity in science.
In the final event of the Community of Practice for Gender Equality in Central and Eastern Europe (GEinCEE CoP) within the ACT project (Horizon 2020, 2018-2021), we invite you to an open webinar and accompanying trainings and a workshop dedicated to the issues of unconscious bias, intersectionality and gender equality plans. The webinar will be dedicated to the specific context of the Central and Eastern European region, where research and higher education organizations face specific challenges, such as insufficient legal incentives towards development of gender equality policies at institutional level, or unfavorable political climate for gender equality resulting in resistances towards implementation of gender equality plans. The webinar, trainings and workshop will allow to raise knowledge among experts from the region’s research performing organizations, as well as will allow to empower and inspire institutions beyond GEinCEE for engagement in gender equality change.
Below you find the overall agenda of the GEinCEE CoP Event and in the attachment we send more detailed information regarding content of webinar, trainings and workshop.
Open Webinar, 24th September 2021, 9.00 – 13.30 CET
9.00-10.30 Gender Equality Plan (GEP) as Eligibility Criterion in Horizon Europe, Dr Anne Pepin, European Commission
15 minutes break
10.45-11.45 Intersectionality and GEPs: genealogies, theories and practices, Dr Justyna Struzik, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
30 minutes break
12.15- 13.30 GEinCEE CoP and GEPs in Horizon Europe Programme, Ewelina Ciaputa,
Dr Paulina Sekuła, Dr Ewa Krzaklewska, Dr Marta Warat (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) and GEinCEE CoP members
14.00-16.00 Lunch (If you wish to join us for lunch, in Kraków, offline, please let us know by writing an e-mail to actongender@uj.edu.pl by 10 September 2021)
This webinar is open to anyone interested in supporting facilitation for fostering institutional change through Gender Equality Plans. If you wish to attend, please fill in the registration form available HERE by 10 September 2021. The webinar will take place online using Microsoft Teams. Participation is free of charge.
Please note, registration is required and confirms your participation. Link to the webinar will be sent to registered participants only by 20 September 2021.
Accompanying Events (only for CoP members)
14-16 September 2021, 10.00 – 14.00 CET: Unconscious bias training (in Polish)
17 September 2021, 10.00 – 12.00 CET: Unconscious bias training (in English)
28 September 2021, 10.00 – 12.00 CET: Workshop Intersections and GEPs: intersectionality in practice - workshop (in English)
1st October 2021, 10.00 – 12.00 CET: Unconscious bias training (in English)
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at actongender@uj.edu.pl.